Slice Of My Life - April 24
A rollercoaster of a month, highs and lows, life turning one way and another. Most days I didn’t know whether I was coming or going, and at the end of the day I lay in bed and didn’t know how I had made it through. A great month to reflect and learn from, promoting me to focus on the present moment and not past bad experiences.
Slice Of My Life - March 24
A positive month filled with family time, easter activities and fresh starts. I can feel myself breaking myself away from hermit season and ready to embrace spring and summer.
Slice Of My Life - February 24
A month that seemed to fly by, but on reflection consisted of some great family memories, some self care and moving forward into new routines. I have learnt so much this month and hope to carry this on into the coming month.
Slice Of My Life - January 24
New Year New Me? Or new year same old me in the midst of a midlife crisis?