Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Abbie and here I write about creativity, travel and fashion. I am aiming to live a more simple, content life and this blog follows my journey.

I love to create beautiful things, whether thats art, photography or cinematic videos. I cant remember a time when I haven’t been taking photographs, drawing or sewing. I also love to travel the world and experience new cultures and see the most amazing wildlife.

Being creative has and always will be a huge part of who I am and this blog has allowed me to create the perfect combination of my passions; travel, photography, creativity and writing. I hope you enjoy looking through my work as much as I have enjoyed creating it.

I am always looking to collaborate with new talent and brands to create fresh work. I can be contacted on simply-abbie@outlook.com.


All work and photography belong to this blog and myself unless otherwise stated. Please do not duplicate, print or use any of the imagery for professional purposes or material without prior consent from myself or the respective owners. If you would like to use any of the images on this website for your blog post or social media, please credit in the caption and link back to Abbie Snape’s relevant social media or this blog.

I ensure I credit any external images I use, however should you need to discuss images used please contact simply-abbie@outlook.com.

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