Looking Forward
2024 is on its way and I have never felt this way about a new year before. Usually i’m filled with motivation to start a fresh, I've got goals upon goals, with tasks on how to achieve each one. But this year I feel like taking things a bit slower and simpler. I have been reading about the wheel of the year and how things eb and flow. This research has paired well with Lydia Millen’s book Evergreen, which I have also started last week. I am going to write a whole post about my ‘words for the year’ and how I am using the wheel of the year to inspire me month on month. At the moment, the season is still in a space of rest and recharging, and I feel like honouring that and not making any huge life goals just yet. Who knows what 2024 will bring, but for the first month or so, we are just staying content in our cosy bubble for a few weeks longer.