The Third Trimester
I can’t believe that as I am writing this I have just turned 40 weeks of being pregnant. It has been such a learning curve and emotional journey, something which I am so proud of and I can’t believe it is soon coming to an end. After I wrote my first trimester post I was planning on doing a post for the second trimester, however I’ll be honest it was pretty un-eventful. Most of my symptoms had passed and other than the occasional back/hip pain and consuming my body weight in tinned peaches, I didn’t really ‘think’ about being pregnant most of the time.
Just when we turned 30 weeks, on 11th March I was taken into hospital due to chest pain and heart palpitations. It was a really scary time not only because of my medical anxiety and pregnancy fears but because my dad had also suffered with chest pain shortly before he passed away. We spent over 8 hours in A&E after which we were moved to the maternity ward. Once on this ward the staff were so amazing and supportive in looking after me. I had many tests which really pushed me to the limit when it came to my medical phobia. All the test have come back clear, and I have been going back and forth for the last month with still no outcome as to what is causing these pains. I have been advised to have some testing done once Baby L is here however, the doctors seem to think that any issues I am having will go away after birth. This hospital stay was a huge triumph for me and was a great way to put all my breathing and hypnobirthing style techniques into practice. By the end of the stay I was able to have blood tests on my own without having a meltdown before or after. I had slept in the hospital on my own multiple times and really felt like my medical phobia had been conquered.
After this was all done, the last few weeks of pregnancy have been really lovely. I have this overwhelming excited feeling now and I am just can’t wait to meet Baby L. I am enjoying my maternity leave, spending my days really slow with self care, lots of TV and snacks. Our bags are packed, the carseat ready, here’s to the next chapter!