I am so glad I put boundaries in place for my baby shower, I wanted something small, informal and not lasting hours and hours. I also didn’t want to feel overwhelmed with too many people. In the end my baby shower was perfect and I wouldn’t have changed any of it. I got to see those closest to me, do a few nice games and of course have some yummy food at Wild and Wild. I then set the expectation that I was going to now spend time at home, resting and preparing for the baby’s arrival and will probably not see anyone until he is here. This was super hard for me top voice and say our loud, as I am a people pleaser and would always cram my schedule full in order to see people. But this had to change. To be honest it would have no choice but to change with me soon having a baby to look after. I know I have even more of a journey to come over the next few weeks as my therapy comes to a close, and as my emotions change during the last trimester, but I am hopeful I can keep looking after myself and set clear boundaries.