Slice Of My Life - May
Most of May was spent going on lots of walks and bouncing on my birth ball trying to get Evan moving, however I must have made a comfortable home for him as he didn’t want to leave. On 28th May we started the induction process to get Evan on his way, looking back I wish I had just let my body do its own thing, as once started I was already 3cm dilated and my waters broke! So had I have waited a few more days he would have been here anyway. But I can’t look back with regret, as he is here now, safe and sound and I wouldn’t change that.
Home Time!
The car journey home felt like the most stressful moment of my life. I am a nervous passenger as it is, but this was a whole new level! We made it though and once we sat down on the sofa with a cup of tea, every stress I have ever had just melted away. I was sat with my perfect little family, about to move into the next chapter of our lives and I couldn’t be more grateful. I am so in love with my little boy, he brings me so much joy in such a short space of time and really has given my life a whole new purpose.