Slice Of My Life - May

Welcome to the world, Evan Timothy Latham

There are no words to describe how perfect this month has been, with the arrival of our beautiful baby boy Evan.

Most of May was spent going on lots of walks and bouncing on my birth ball trying to get Evan moving, however I must have made a comfortable home for him as he didn’t want to leave. On 28th May we started the induction process to get Evan on his way, looking back I wish I had just let my body do its own thing, as once started I was already 3cm dilated and my waters broke! So had I have waited a few more days he would have been here anyway. But I can’t look back with regret, as he is here now, safe and sound and I wouldn’t change that.

Early Labour

I loved using all our hypnobirthing techniques during early labour. The birthing suite at the hospital was so zen and I loved spending the first few hours focusing on my breathing and relaxation techniques. We ate biscuits, watched the office and I even had time for a bath! Once we moved into the delivery suite, things got a bit more medical and I found it hard to ground myself back into this calm state, but I am glad we have these early memories of labour to look back on fondly.

Hello Evan!

After a bit of a journey, Evan made his appearance into the world. This was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, I have never felt so scared, vulnerable and an utter lack of self belief. I lost track of time completely and the whole thing just feels like it was one traumatic blur. Even when he was here those first few moments I was in sheer panic and didn’t know what was going on. But within minutes, Evan was back in my arms and this photograph sums up this moment perfectly. When nothing else mattered and the chaos of labour had come to an end. I looked into his little eyes and knew it all had been worth while.

David becomes a daddy!

I can’t thank David enough for his support during labour and the times following. From cup feeding Evan to swaddling, we have both been on a journey learning together. I love the lower photo of Evan looking into his eyes, it makes me get emotional every time I look at it. I have loved watching him become an amazing dad to Evan and I can’t wait to watch us grow together as we navigate parenthood.

Waiting to go home

The waiting to return home felt like an eternity, I just wanted to get my little family home and have a cup of tea. I wanted to breastfeed and express however, Evan is a little lazy so we had to focus on expressing instead. The hospital allow you 24 hours to ‘try’ before they will then loan you a machine to express (I kind of wish they would have just let me express from the get go though). I was so proud when my milk came in and it meant that I was able to feed Evan and get him all the goodness he needs. Before we knew it, we had spent two days in the hospital and it was nearly time to go home.

Home Time!

The car journey home felt like the most stressful moment of my life. I am a nervous passenger as it is, but this was a whole new level! We made it though and once we sat down on the sofa with a cup of tea, every stress I have ever had just melted away. I was sat with my perfect little family, about to move into the next chapter of our lives and I couldn’t be more grateful. I am so in love with my little boy, he brings me so much joy in such a short space of time and really has given my life a whole new purpose.

I hope you all had a lovely May. I can’t wait to share June’s post with you when Evan gets to meet all his family and friends.


Slice Of My Life - June


The Third Trimester