Slice Of My Life - November
A month that flew by in the blink of an eye, but saw big changes in my life behind the scenes. I wanted to make my life easier this month, focus on how to simplify tasks and start making the most of my last few months of maternity leave.
Trip to the wildlife park
I loved taking Evan to Peake Wildlife Park and getting to see their newest resident, the polar bears. It was nice to spend some time doing some photography too and reminding myself that I can have little moments for myself in the day, even when the focus is on Evan and his new experiences. I am starting to look at our daily activities and how I can almost habit stack them. Almost a one for you one for me style deal. Whilst sitting helping Evan play with his toys, why not have some chilled lofi or YouTube video on in the background. Whilst out on a walk, take my camera to hopefully snap some nice photos. Whilst Evan is nodding off to sleep, sit in bed with my journal and reflect on the day. Just these little moments of intentional me time are starting to really improve my mood.
Me Time
Talking of me time, I really need to focus on some actual me time. Time when I am not responsible for a tiny human, cat or dog! I was watching a recent video by Molly Mae and she mentioned how when you are looking after your child you are in constant fight or flight mode, and this is so true for me too. I feel on edge pretty much 99% of my day. Even when i’m showering i’m watching the baby camera, putting laundry away and i’m stopping every few minutes to check on him. Checking the time to see when he is next due a nappy change. Looking at our daily planner and working out when he will have food, what I need to pack in his bag, have his clothes been washed and dried? You get the gist…
So with all this happening 7 days a week, my body just doesn’t know how to switch off. The days when I get to go out the house alone, it takes a good few hours before I can start to feel somewhat normal again. It’s not just an instant switch off as soon as I no longer have to look after Evan, it’s a feeling that takes a while to shake off. I am sure that this will change over time, but I need to start prioritising myself and letting myself have days where I can just be me again.
What causes me stress and worry?
A few weeks ago I felt so irritated with everything in my life. No matter what I did I felt like the world was against me and I felt extremely uncomfortable. I started writing a log of all the things which stress, annoy, worry or aggravate me every day to try and alleviate some of these issues.
We started with some home decor jobs which were causing the house to look disorganised and messy. Finally finished Evans nursery and found a new home for things like laundry. I also hired a dog walker for max, so I know he is getting some really good off lead outdoor woodland style walks every week (something which was making me feel really guilty with not being able to drive to nicer locations for walks). He has been loving these walks and we even get daily photos with what he has been up to. I think this will be a great thing to carry on with when I go back to work and Evan is in nursery too.
Llandudno Christmas Fair
Every year we head to Llandudno Christmas fair and this year was extra special with it being Evan’s first visit. It felt like the tradition had been refreshed and had a new lease of life now we have someone new to show everything too. He loved being beside the sea and I enjoyed getting to watch his reaction to all the new sights.
I think the end of every year always comes with some weird feelings. Another year has passed, did I make the most of it? What have I achieved? What didn’t I get chance to do? It can be a lot of pressure to put on yourself and brings up all those self doubt emotions with it. Especially when you have had a year with many ups and downs. It is hard to focus on the positives when you are sometimes so bogged down with the negatives. I started my 2023 reflection journalling a little early this year to try and avoid cramming it all into the last week of the year and having yet another mid life / end of year crisis! I have achieved soooo much this year, but also been through things I didn’t expect and found many things challenging. I am going to carry on my reflections throughout December with the help and guidance of Gabriella Yoga and her 2023 reflections immersion and will check in at the end of the month with my feelings. I hope you all have a lovely December filled with lots of cosy treats, making memories and resting.