Slice Of My Life - August 24
Slice Of My Life, Lifestyle abigail snape Slice Of My Life, Lifestyle abigail snape

Slice Of My Life - August 24

A jam packed month with anniversaries, festivals, meals, birthdays and more. I have loved doing so many activities this summer, especially outdoors. Having Evan has made me realise how many fun days out are right on our door step that I never went to before. I’m so glad we have really made the most of the summer with happy memories. I’ll be sad to say goodbye to this fun filled month but can’t wait to do the same next month.

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Slice Of My Life - April 24
Slice Of My Life, Lifestyle abigail snape Slice Of My Life, Lifestyle abigail snape

Slice Of My Life - April 24

A rollercoaster of a month, highs and lows, life turning one way and another. Most days I didn’t know whether I was coming or going, and at the end of the day I lay in bed and didn’t know how I had made it through. A great month to reflect and learn from, promoting me to focus on the present moment and not past bad experiences.

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