Slice Of My Life - September
No Social September
As mentioned in last months post, I decided to take a step back from social media. I checked the apps twice a day for messages and notifications, and I found that was ‘triggering’ enough me. The first post that appeared on Facebook was always an argument, or something which ignited an emotional response from me. And it was always a negative emotion. I was doing so well with TikTok however it did lure me in and I spent one day late September scrolling for over an hour! I felt awful afterwards, numb, fed up and filled with self hatred and comparative thoughts. However, this hiccup proved a point to myself, at just how much I let these apps influence how I feel. I wrote the rest of that day off and ended up slobbed on the sofa feeling sorry for myself and ate crappy food. However I made it to the end on the month (minus the hiccup day) and I really started to feel a change, and not one that you would expect...
Initially, I decided to step back from social media to pinpoint the cause of my ongoing feelings of ‘fed up’ and ‘who even am I anymore?!’ Without the constant influx of carefully curated posts, I at first began to appreciate and accept myself more. I was going out for walks, making the most of my spare time and overall feeling really good about myself.
However, I then started to do some self reflection and really start digging deep on why I was feeling the way I was. I attended a Red Tent meeting with Gabriella Yoga, and during the final meditation I felt like I opened a trap door and an influx of negative thoughts that I had been suppressing came flooding out. Being away from social media had provided me with the space and clarity to start delving into my emotions and reflecting on how I truly feel, and I didn’t like what I found.
I have had some really hard days, ones where I have journaled pages and pages, some where I have cried even more than Evan! I have analysed things like my hobbies, wardrobe, appearance and felt lost with who I am anymore. I know these feelings are very normal postpartum, but finding contentment in myself feels like an impossible task.
Although I still haven't uncovered the exact source of my unhappiness, (or who I even am anymore) without the constant distraction of social media, I am confident that I can continue with clarity on this journey of self-discovery and most importantly healing.